smog's rest
- wendy carlos music, vintage
- electric zine maker art, tools
- thinking tools tools
- jargon file vintage
- low tech mag low-tech, resource
- deskto ps ricing
- dotshare ricing
- ankon games fun
- the proper people fun, urban, youtube
- anarchy works anarchism
- monterey aquarium live fun
- ted's caving vintage, fun, creepy
- kira rosseler and alice bag article, music
- missing cs edu resource, tech
- critical thinking and anarchism anarchism, article, thinking
- queer theory reading list resource, queer
- sunbeam city wikia resource, solarpunk, archive
- prism break privacy, alternatives, resource
- learning, thinking thinking, article, tool
- dither maker tool, art
- textfiles archive archive, vintage, resource
- self care interactive tool, self care
- pronoun dress room tool, queer
- sitting meditation for beginners article, resource, meditation
- dharma meditation guide article, resource, meditation
- microcosm publishing books, fun, anarchism, solar punk
- queer zine archive archive, queer, zine, fun
- white supremacy culture characteristics resource, article, whiteness, critical
- pick some fruit fun, map, tool
- earth care library article, archive, permaculture, solarpunk
- lockpicking guide article, fun, direct action
- seedbomb guide article, fun, direct action
- hack this zine resource, tech, direct action
- deep fried fun, youtube, skateboarding
- useful knots fun, resource
- mfos diy, synth, resource, vintage
- do diy resource, music
- sprout distro zines, direct action, anarchism
- hackaday diy, tech, archive